Dr. Ervin Seale, 1909 -
The Rev. Dr. Ervin Seale, was founder and minister of the nondenominational Church of the Truth in New York City. He preached for over 32 years to large audiences at Carnegie Hall, Avery Fisher Hall, and Lincoln Center, and broadcast his weekly sermons on ''Healthy Mindedness'' from about 1940 to 1973, when he retired. Dr. Seale also wrote several books on religious themes, including ''Ten Words That Will Change Your Life'' and ''Success Is You.''
Dr. Seale’s Church of Truth has been labeled a metaphysical religion of the New Age, New Thought philosophy. The philosophy had its origins in the United States with Phineas Parkhurst Quinby (1802-
Principles of New Thought: http://cornerstone.wwwhubs.com/nthistory.htm